Widescreen Patch Thief 2
Posted in HomeBy adminOn 23/10/17Widescreen Patch Thief 2 CheatsThief II The Metal Age PCGaming. Wiki PCGWKey points. Tafferpatcher improves compatibility with modern systems. General information. A Wiki for the classic Thief games. TTLG Forums Thief Series. TTLG Forums modding mission design. GOG. com Community Discussions for game series. GOG. com Support Page. Steam Community Discussions. E4E2F2E9EF1241F06457164733F59558E1C/' alt='Widescreen Patch Thief 2 Fan' title='Widescreen Patch Thief 2 Fan' />Availabilityedit A demo pre patched with New. Dark is available. Essential improvementseditTafferpatchereditTafferpatcher installs New. Dark, which improves compatibility on modern systems. Also contains mission fixes and optional texture mods. The GOG release has an out of date, stripped down version of this patch. Three communitymade patches for Thief 3. Together they unlock nativeresolution widescreen and all manner of smaller visual tweaks. This is a very simple process and should take less than 5 minutes. Download the Widescreen Patch rapidshare. Go to your SteamSteamAppscommonThief Deadly. Page 1 of 3 Playing Thief 2 on modern computers posted in OffTopic. The Thief widescreen patch actually properly extends the view in the game. One file to patch Thief The Dark Project v1. Thief Gold, and Thief II. Thief 2 in 1920 x 1080 on my widescreen plasma TV. Hi, this is a widescreen modification for Dark Engine games Installation Requirements System Shock 2 version 2. Thief version 1. 33 or. Important Note Since the appearance of the NewDark patch ddfix is now no longer the recommended way for getting Thief and Thief 2 up and running quickly and easily. T2 Being Thief Sensut. Edit. COKs Sound Pack and the latest DDFX and WideScreen patch. More Thief Wiki. 1 Thief Gold 2 Thief II The Metal Age. Widescreen Patch Thief 2 ModsFan Missionsedit A large number of Fan Missions, many of very high quality, have been produced for the Thief games. A categorised list is available here. A pre patched version of Thief. X, the fan made expansion pack for Thief 2, can be downloaded here choose the ZIP archive link. Sport Klub Prime Tv Program. Running Fan Missionscitation needed Select the option to create a shortcut to the FM Selector during Tafferpatcher installation. If you did not check this option, add the command line argument fm on a Thief desktop shortcut or in the Steam interface. Start FM Selector using this shortcut. Select a folder for installed missions and an FM. Do not put the archive path inside the FMs folder or vice versa, otherwise things will not work correctly. To install a mission, drop its. Ok. It has now been extracted to the installed missions folder. Widescreen Patch Thief 2' title='Widescreen Patch Thief 2' />Launch the mission by double clicking the name again. To launch the original game select Skip FM in the lower left corner. Skip intro videoseditTell intro not to playcitation needed Go to the installation folder. Open cam. cfg using Notepad. Widescreen Patch Thief 2 Patches' title='Widescreen Patch Thief 2 Patches' />Add the line skipintro to the file and save it. Texture modseditEnhancement Pack 2. The Enhancement Pack 2. Enhancement Pack which is included in Tafferpatcher and is much less comprehensive. This contains higher quality reproductions of original textures and objects. Also works with Thief GoldThe Dark Project. The Necro AgeeditThe Necro Age pack is very similar to the Enhancement Pack 2, but focuses on giving the game a slightly darker, noir look. Somewhere between the EP2 and HD Mod in lore accuracy. Also works with Thief GoldThe Dark Project. Thief 2 HD Texture ModeditThe Thief 2 HD Texture Mod adds new textures and effects to all original missions. Includes a tool to configure advanced graphics settings Anti Aliasing, Bloom, etc. Game dataeditConfiguration files locationedit Configuration files are cam. New. Dark advanced settings, cammod. Mod and fan mission options, install. Save game data locationedit Fan mission saves are kept in the missions folder. Video settingseditIn game video options With TafferpatcherUse New. Darkcitation needed Install Tafferpatcher and set the resolution you want in game. If your FOV is not detected correctly go to the installation folder and edit camext. Change fov 9. 0 to fov with the FOV you want. Save your changes and relaunch the game. Set windowed modecitation needed Install Tafferpatcher. Go to the installation folder. Edit camext. cfg. Change forcewindowed to forcewindowed. Save your changes and set your chosen resolution in game. For borderless fullscreen windowed mode choose the desktop resolution in game. Installing Tafferpatcher enables Vsync by default. Vsync can be disabled. Disable Vsynccitation needed Go to the installation folder. Edit camext. cfg. Change vsyncmode 0 to vsyncmode 0 and save your changes. Set frame rate and ensure correct game speedcitation needed Go to the installation folder. Edit camext. cfg. Change frameratecap 1. FPS you want. Change physfreq 6. For more than 2. 50 FPS change Slow. Frame 4 to Slow. Frame 4. Input settingseditInput settings. Audio settingseditAudio options With TafferpatcherAudio options. Native. Notes. Separate volume controls. Master volume and ambient sound usually controls background music in addition to atmospheric sound effects, like machinery. Surround sound. See EAX support. Subtitles. Available since New. Dark 1. 2. 2. Update the game with the latest Tafferpatcher and download the English subtitles patch. Closed captions. Mute on focus lost. EAX support. A3. D 2. EAX 2. See EAX support. EAX supportedit Thief II features enhanced 3. D sound effects that originally required a Creative sound card with special EAX drivers. To use EAX effects on modern systems, do the following Install patch and Open. Gates Design Flex Pro. ALcitation needed Install New. Dark using Tafferpatcher. Install Open. AL 2. In the game go to Options, Audio, and change Hardware Acceleration to Open. AL. EAX can now be used. Networkedit Use T2 Multiplayer Beta for multiplayer support. T2 Multiplayer is not compatible with New. Dark or Tafferpatcher use the included thief. DDFix. Multiplayer types. Connection types. VR supporteditIssues fixededitCrashes on multi core systemseditInstall Tafferpatchercitation neededInstall New. Dark via Tafferpatcher. Videos do not playeditInstall Tafferpatchercitation neededInstall New. Dark via Tafferpatcher. Gamma slider has no effect on gammabrightnesseditTafferpatcher and config tweakcitation neededInstall New. Dark via Tafferpatcher. If you still cant change gamma. Go to the installation folder. Open camext. cfg. Change d. 3ddispnorgb. Save the file. Other informationeditSound effects enhancement packeditThis mod provides cleaned up and resampled sound files for Thief Gold and Thief II. The quality difference is particularly noticeable when wearing headphones. View bobedit By default, Thief II The Metal Age has view bob that may cause motion sickness. Edit camext. cfgcitation needed Go to the installation folder. Open lt path to game camext. Find the line bobfactor 0. Remove the semicolon and set the value to 0. Technical specs. Supported. Notes. Direct. 3D6, 9. Direct. X 9 requires New. DarkTafferpatcher. Software renderer. MiddlewareeditSystem requirementseditWindows. Minimum. Recommended. Operating system OS9. Processor CPUIntel Pentium 2. MHz. Intel Pentium II 4. MHz. System memory RAM4. MB6. 4 MBHard disk drive HDD2. MB6. 00 MBVideo card GPU 4 MB of VRAM Direct. X 7 compatible. 1. MB of VRAM Sound audio device1. Direct. X 7. 0 compatible sound card. Wiz Khalifa Started From The Bottom Mixtape. Creative EAX 2. 0 compliant sound card. Aureal A3. D 2. 0 compliant sound card. Other. 4x CD ROM drive. CD ROM drive New. Darks system requirements and by association those for GOG. Windows release are higher than the original requirements listed here. ReferencesA3. D Reflections A3. D software and games list.